Team CMT: Monthly Family 5K Fun Run

by | Jul 12, 2012 | 0 comments

Team CMT – Richmond’s Monthly Group Fun Run will met at 8am, Saturday, July 7 at Winterpock Elementary School, 9000 Elementary Way Loop, Chesterfield, VA.  This FREE 5K Fun Run was started by Barb Vonada and Courtney Hollett to “give me and others with CMT who have mobility issues an opportunity to be around similar people with the same day-to-day struggles,” said Barb.

This local Team CMT-Richmond is a subgroup of the larger Team CMT headed by Chris Wodke. As Barb said, “We are all Team CMT, support Team CMT and wear shirts for Team CMT.  We’ll run and raise awareness through our local team.” The goal of this local group is to attract athletes (whether they have CMT or not) to meet once a month for a fun run and create an opportunity to spread awareness about CMT.  “I hope this is an opportunity for those of us with CMT who are challenged with mobility issues to meet each other, share ideas and coping strategies while educating others about CMT.”

Look for information at email [email protected].

Group meets the 1st Saturday of the month!

Kim, Courtney, Barbara

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