HNF is advancing and supporting clinical research and trials for CMT.
HNF has been instrumental in advancing and supporting clinical trials by providing valuable patient insight, innovative data collection, and regulatory initiatives to assist in industry-sponsored clinical trial design and to inform the FDA for decision-making and oversight during drug development and commercialization of drugs and gene therapies for CMT.
Learn about clinical trials and how you can participate.
Without your participation, researchers won’t have the essential patient information to develop drugs, gene therapies, and clinical trials for Charcot-Marie-Tooth and other Inherited Neuropathies. In addition, as GRIN grows, we gain greater insights from you as patients to help accelerate therapies for Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) and Inherited Neuropathies.
CMT Thrive Webinar:
The Key Role CMT Patients Play in Research
Presented by: Joy Aldrich, HNF GRIN Patient Registry Coordinator
The Future of CMT Research
Hear from Allison Moore, Founder/CEO of the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation about the past, present and future or research.
A study of the correlation between gait abnormalities, activity monitoring parameters, CMTPedS and a biomarker in children with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.
A study of the correlation between gait abnormalities, activity monitoring parameters, CMTPedS and a biomarker in children with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.
CMT&Me App Webinar
CMT&Me is an observational, non-interventional study, sponsored by Pharnext, to collect Real-World Evidence (RWE) from people living with CMT.