Pain from multiple sources
Many patients with CMT experience chronic pain stemming from the disease state itself, as well as pain caused by the limited treatments currently available (i.e. surgery, improper use of braces and/or AFOs). Not to mention the emotional pain of living with chronic illness, especially for children and young adults navigating living with their disease.
Managing pain can be a challenge for both the patient and the health care provider. Keeping your HCP updated with your symptoms and the efficacy of your pain management program is essential for treating chronic pain successfully.
ABCs of CMT Pain Management Guide
The Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation is thrilled to introduce the “ABCs of CMT Pain Management,” a comprehensive guide that is a direct product of the Global Registry for Inherited Neuropathies (GRIN) initiative. This guide embodies the power of collective stories through patient-reported data and a resolute commitment to reshaping the narrative of pain in CMT.
HNF’s robust ABCs of CMT Pain Management Guide consists of over 80 pages of pain management options broken down into the categories of nutrition, exercise, topicals, supplements, prescription, holistic, injections, surgery, and more!
ABCs of CMT Pain Management Guide
ABCs of CMT Pain Management Guide
Did you Know?
Of CMT Patients Experience Pain

Type of Pain Experienced
Muscle Cramps or Spasms in Handes / Forearms
Muscle Cramps or Spasms in Legs / Feet
Better Data = Better Treatments

Have your voice heard by CMT researchers!
HNF is on the forefront of pain research to support CMT patients.
Tell us about your experience
with Pain & CMT
How HNF has brought awareness to Pain & CMT
Chronic Pain Assessment: Patient Perspectives
Allison Moore, HNF Founder/CEO, along with her team, took action and led the HNF groundbreaking CMT pain initiative to help the community.
HNF’s Patient-Centered CMT/HNPP Pain Summit
It was an incredible meeting of people with hereditary neuropathies and their family members, caregivers, clinicians, researchers, funding agencies, payors, leading pain experts and pharma industry coming together to get an understanding of chronic pain in the CMT/HNPP community, including its impact on quality of life.
Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforcement Act
Chronic Pain Patients Pinpoint the Need for Improved Methods to Assess Pain
Inspire™ CMT Community
Learn & share with others experiencing pain & CMT. Join the Inspire CMT Community today!
HNF Launches Groundbreaking ‘ABCs of CMT Pain Management’ Guide
"ABCs of CMT Pain Management" is now on Amazon! The Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation is thrilled to introduce the "ABCs of CMT Pain Management," a comprehensive guide. This guide embodies the power of collective stories through patient-reported data and an unwavering...
ABCs of CMT Pain Management Guide
ABCs of CMT Pain Management,” a comprehensive guide that is a direct product of the Global Registry for Inherited Neuropathies (GRIN) initiative.
Pediatric Care & Pain
What are the key CMT milestones, markers, and interventional therapies to consider when raising a child with CMT?
Pain Series: Part 2 – Pain & Nutrition
Join us as we explore the power of Nutrition with CMT patient and Functional Medicine Coach Paul Fowler.
CMT-Connect Pain Webinar
New CMT-Connect Webinar Pain Series will focus on a particular type of pain, its common causes, available treatments and future treatments on the horizon.
Improve blood flow and learn about this holistic approach to increase oxygen and decrease toxins.
Overview of the Patient-Centered CMT/HNPP Pain Summit 2017
On November 3, 2017, nearly 100 participants gathered in Boston for HNF’s Patient-Centered CMT/HNPP Pain Summit.
Tips on Managing Chronic Pain
How to help with chronic pain