Joy joined HNF in February 2015 to focus on the growth of HNF’s online patient support community as a CMT Advocacy Director. Joy and her husband, Toby, live in Seattle, WA, with their beloved yellow lab, Charley. While food service distribution was her career; finding a treatment for CMT, traveling and cooking are her passions. You may remember her food blog,
The diagnosis of CMT came when Joy was a teenager, after years of trips and falls and sprained ankles. Her mom and brother were also diagnosed at that time. Years went by before Joy noticed the more rapid progression of CMT symptoms and pursued a genetic diagnosis, which was confirmed as CMT1A. At that time, she turned to HNF for advice on AFOs and a letter writing campaign to tell family and friends about her diagnosis. Since then, Joy has participated in HNF’s CMT Awareness month video campaign and hosted fundraisers in the Seattle area.
Joy is excited about promoting, growing, and strengthening the Inspire CMT support community as it is a valuable social media tool which connects patients to patients and caregivers in order to share important information about CMT.
She invites you to create your profile and join the discussions today!
You can also read Joy’s story by clicking here.