Summit Panelist Spotlight: Estela Lugo

by | Jul 27, 2016 | 0 comments

EstelaEstela was diagnosed with CMT when she was just 4 years-old. She resides on Long Island, NY, where she lives with her children, 11 year-old daughter Anabella and 9 year-old son Devin, both CMT-free. Estela also has a sister Melissa, who has CMT.

She is a 2001 graduate of Manhattan’s Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), and began designing furniture and wall décor after graduation. In 2008, she was named one of Oprah’s “Women Who Make Beautiful Things” in “O” Home Magazine. Soon, her business, ONE Décor, was picked up and listed on online Roommates Peel and Stick Décor.

Estela is an avid yogi and credits yoga as “the best thing I’ve ever done for my CMT.” She considers herself an adaptive fitness activist and has experience using AlterG: an anti-gravity treadmill that can be used for physical therapy, injury prevention, and gait training and strengthening for neurological patients.

A long-time member of the CMT community, HNF enlisted Estela to become a moderator for our CMT-Connect™ workshops. She has generously committed her time to help lead and teach other CMT patients in her community.

We invited Estela to share her story and experiences with us at the Summit this fall. She will be joining the panel discussion on “Personalized Exercise Prescription.”

Let’s hear more from Estela:

HNF: Why did you choose your particular topic for the Summit?


I chose my topic for the Summit because I want to share my success stories with the community and empower others with CMT to take back as much control as possible over their well being and lives.

HNF: How has CMT affected your life?


In every way possible, but it has made me who I am today.

HNF: What do you hope attendees take away from the Summit?


I hope they leave the Summit feeling empowered from the educational presentations, inspired by the success stories, and connected to the new people they meet.

HNF: Anything else you’d like to share with the community?


This will be a powerful turning point for the community and for everyone attending!

We agree!

Come join Estela and the other panelists to learn more about exercise and CMT.

Learn more on this topic

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