Wish there was an easy guide for genetic testing?
Now there is with the CMT Genie!
Trying to get a genetic confirmation of CMT can be overwhelming, and you might not have access to health care providers who are familiar with all the choices out there. HNF’s CMT Genie is designed to assist you and your health care provider determine what the best option is for you!

InformedDNA Genetic Counseling Services
Connect with telehealth genetic counselors ready to walk you through your diagnostic journey, a service offered through the HNF-InformedDNA® partnership.
Do you think your baby has CMT?
Learn More about Project FIND-OUT
Why get tested?
- Similar conditions can be ruled out
- Early interventions can be enabled, i.e., PT, bracing, etc.
- Dangerous Neurotoxins can be avoided
- Clinicians can better predict a patient’s prognosis and progression
- Support for family planning by understanding the inheritance pattern
- Most clinical trials or research programs require a genetic diagnosis
Let’s get started!
Click one of the three scenarios that best fits you
I have a clinical diagnosis of CMT
I have a family member diagnosed with CMT
There is some uncertainty about whether I have CMT
New CMT gene discovery, CRYAB
Do you have late onset autosomal dominant CMT2 – subtype unknown, with breathing involvement, unexplained cardiac complications, and/or congenital cataracts?
HNF’s CMT Genie: Because genetic testing for CMT has never been more critical
Collaborative efforts between researchers, healthcare providers, and patients, facilitated by the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation, has created a synergy that has accelerated the pace of discovery.
Reducing Genetic Testing Barriers for the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Community
Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation Partners with InformedDNA® on CMT Genie Project
HNF Partners with InformedDNA® on CMT Genie Project
a patient-initiated at-home genetic testing program, providing faster and more equitable access to critical genetic care for the CMT community and their health care providers.
The CMT Genie
Despite the best efforts of our CMT community providing resources to obtain genetic testing, there are still barriers that remain challenging in obtaining a definitive diagnosis. HNF has changed that by developing the CMT Genie program. We are here to support and...
How to get genetic Testing: The CMT Genie
Trying to get a genetic confirmation of CMT can be overwhelming, and you might not have access to healthcare providers who are familiar with all the choices out there.