University of North Carolina Becomes New Center of Excellence

by | Jul 16, 2020 | 16 comments

Introducing Dr. Rebecca Traub, University of North Carolina

Tell us about yourself?

I completed my training in Neurology and Neuromuscular Medicine at Columbia University, where I became specifically interested in treating patients with peripheral neuropathies. After practicing as faculty at Columbia for a number of years, I moved to the University of North Carolina four years ago. I have enjoyed developing the peripheral neuropathy program at UNC and focusing on building a program dedicated to serving patients with hereditary neuropathies.

Why is CMT your passion?

I have both personal and professional interests in CMT. I have a number of family members affected by CMT and have seen how the disease affects people in my personal life. I have also seen how resilient people with CMT can be in adapting to their disabilities.

Professionally, it is an exciting time to treat patients with CMT. The field of genetics has expanded rapidly in the past ten years and we continue to learn many new things about how hereditary neuropathies can present in diverse ways. Additionally, we are just beginning to see a breadth of new therapies developed for many genetic disorders, including a number of hereditary neuropathies. I am optimistic that there are a number of exciting new research studies and approved treatments on the near-horizon for patients with CMT.

Tell us what patients will experience when they come to the UNC Center

 Patients evaluated at the UNC CMT center may be seen for consultations first trying to establish whether they have an inherited neuropathy or to get genetic testing to establish the CMT type. Once a patient has been established in the center, they will be seen in the interdisciplinary clinic, seeing the physician, nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, orthotist, and orthopedist if needed. Additional consultations with other allied health providers or medical specialists can be arranged through the UNC system when needed. We discuss CMT research progress at our visits and what research trials may be applicable to any given patient.

 What do you love most about your practice?

 I love that I get to see a broad range of patients with neuromuscular disorders (many with CMT), coming from diverse backgrounds. I get to treat patients living in the research triangle surrounding Chapel Hill, as well as the broader state of North Carolina and the greater region. I get to work with amazing colleagues in Neurology and other medical and surgical specialties, supporting patients with excellent clinical care and advancing medical research at the institution.

How can patients make an appointment at the UNC Center? 

Patients wanting to be seen at the UNC CMT center should ask their primary care or other treating physician to send a referral either by fax, email or electronic portal. Full instructions are on the Department of Neurology website at:

Learn more on this topic

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  1. Christina Badenchini

    I am so happy to have a CMT specialist here in NC!

  2. Victor Plant

    What do you take do for the weakness in your legs and nagging nerve activity in your feet.

    • Hunt Bobo, MD

      Exercise and stretching help with the pain and slow the progression but don’t stop it. Moderation is the key. If it makes it progressively worse stop. A little short term soreness is ok. Allow time for recovery.

  3. lana israel

    Dear Rebecca Traub,
    I would love to come to your medical facility in North Carolina. I do not have the resources or the physical strength to travel at this time. Can you please recommend a Doctor in New York.
    I have seen 3 Doctors who are neurologists!! They have given me up for “2 advanced”
    Thank You
    Lana Israel

  4. Susie

    I have seen Dr Traub at UNCChapelHill and am sooo looking forward to attending CMT Clinic! She is so bright, compassionate and answers ALL my questions. What an awesome blessing she will be in this role

  5. Louise Wooten

    I am a patient of Dr Traub and appreciate her professionalism and attention to detail. It can be disheartening to go to doctors who don’t know about CMT. Dr Traub was my ray of hope with my first visit. She’s amazing!!

  6. William Blackwelder Jr.

    Thank you for your interest in this horrific disease. Do you or anyone on your team have successful experience in helping solutions for the hands? I have seen several PT and OT with NO or very little success. One OT just say I can’t help you and looked rather amazed. Doctors in NY have seen this disease before. On the other hand, in the South, doctors, OT, PT just have no clue.

    Any suggestions will be welcome.

    • Estela Lugo

      Hi William,

      Yes, we show some helpful PT hand exercises on our YouTube channel at the link below (23 minute mark): Exercises such as kneeding clay, putty, kinetic sand can be very beneficial if done regulary. Best! HNF Team

  7. Robert g housen

    At Mayo Clinic four years ago I was diagnosed as a probable CMT 2 . I do not have any family members in our history with this condition Wondering if there is something out there I don’t know about that can help my life style. I wear braces to walk outside age 82 Male

  8. Mark Kite

    Thank you for the encouraging article. I have endless spinal pain that is now affecting my vision. That is just a small part of my CMT issues. The neurologist that saw me said that he could not help me. I live in southern Alabama, perhaps someday I can come your way for some assistance.

  9. Evelyn Griswold

    I have a question I have not seen answered elsewhere. Can someone with CMT be an organ donor? I am prearranging my funeral so no one else will have to make these difficult decisions. My daughter bought up organ donation. Is that an option? Is it ethical? Can CMT be “spread” that way??

  10. Kenneth Keblar

    I have cmt and now use a wheel chair to get buy.

  11. Peg Proctor

    I am eager to learn more about CMT. Multiple family members have CMT (not sure which one).

    I recently had a generic test completed, which showed that I have a variant in SH3TC2. I understand the alteration in this gene is typically associated with CMT4C.

    I live in Phoenix, AZ. Can you refer me to a Neurologist in this area that is knowledgeable about CMT.

    • Courtney

      Hi Peg,

      Yes, Shafeeq S. Ladha, M.D. Please contact Rose Anaya at 602-406-2704 to make an appointment at the Barrow’s Institute.

  12. jeffrey marsden

    I have hereditary neuropathy. My mother had this also. I did all testing at Johns Hopkins. I also have myasthenia gravis and degnerative disc disease. My neuropathy continues to get worse. I do use a tens unit every day.

  13. jeffrey marsden

    I had completed testing at Johns Hopkins and have hereditary neuropathy. My mother had this also. I also have myasthenia gravis and degenerative disc disease.


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